Entrevista con Kase O (Javier Ibarra)durante la presentación de su nuevo trabajo discografico «El Circulo» en el Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid,el pasado 23/09/16.
To mark the first UK show of artist Henri Barande, graphic designer Christoph Stolberg and German studio Schultzschultz have created Henri Barande. Most times, ideacide happens without us even realizing it. A possible off-the-wall idea […]
The project was inspired by the dilemma graphic designers and illustrators are so often faced with in commissioned projects – all your efforts won’t heighten the quality of a poorly written book. Most times, ideacide […]
Konglish is the use of English words, or words derived from English words, in a Korean context. This simple premise was the concept behind Berlin-based designer Ran Park’s zine, Lost In Konglish. Most times, ideacide […]
The work of Swiss illustrator Anja Wicki uses illustrative figures of ironic humour in saturated colour combinations, making her work to sarcastically sweet. Most times, ideacide happens without us even realizing it. A possible off-the-wall […]
There’s something unsettling in the work of photographer Casper Sejersen. In one image, a woman stands serenely in a flimsy creamy yellow dress. Most times, ideacide happens without us even realizing it. A possible off-the-wall […]
Way back in April we wrote about the Ace & Tate Creative Fund, a project which aims to support creatives by offering one-off financial grants and the support of a panel of established creatives. Most […]
Kuti Kuti is a Finnish contemporary comics association, sourcing and producing fascinating illustration. Helping them grow into “one of the most recognised Finnish comic phenomenons besides. Most times, ideacide happens without us even realizing it. […]
Días Nórdicos el primer festival multidisciplinar de música, diseño sostenible, innovación y cultura nórdica en España y Latinoamérica. Y también una plataforma de intercambio cultural entre países nórdicos y latinos desde una visión inclusiva y […]
DGTL Festival 2016 La segunda edición del DGTL (Digital) Festival tuvo lugar los días 12 y 13 de agosto de 2016 en el Parc Del Fórum de Barcelona, un recinto situado cerca del mar donde […]
. Brunch in the Park… ¡Madrid! Los domingos la parten en el parque Más de 70.000 personas han pasado por el Brunch in the Park barcelonés en su edición veraniega que comenzó el pasado 26 […]
El DCode Festival 2016 hace públicos sus maratonianos horarios, con conciertos a partir de las 11:30 horas con Petit Pop (los menores de 10 años entran gratis por la mañana). A partir de ese momento, […]
Everyone can from his animated gif can customize an analog flip. A Gifbuch precisely. Gifs are cool, just experiencing a renaissance in the Internet and enjoy brisk popularity. Although flipbook, however everyone knows. Most times, […]
Active Arab Women is a project aiming to overcome Gulf Arab stereotypes by publishing the stories of female athletes in Kuwait. Designer Lara Al-Hadeedi wanted to record their struggles and successes. Most times, ideacide happens […]
The work of photographer Steph Wilson is perfect in its balance of fine art, politics and fashion. This London-based photographer has already completed work for Dazed, Vice, W Magazine and Mulberry. Most times, ideacide happens […]
The Rio Games saw over 11,000 athletes compete for 2102 medals in 306 events of 28 different sports. More than 40,000 hours of TV footage were created, more if you include digital, as the eyes […]
Graphic design studio Twelve was commissioned by Beijing studio and exhibition space Mirror Lake to design its identity. The studio is focussed on VR and augmented reality in entertainment, and Twelve describes. Most times, ideacide […]
“Perfect?” is a magazine about the Barbie doll. The topic deals with the conflicting views of the popular doll as a toy. By taking pictures we visualize the surrounding where the Barbie appears and who […]
UK-based Eunjoo Lee has created Fantasy Consumer an illustrated zine that tells the story of a girl who takes sleeping pills, which she thinks will help her to reach her own utopia, in her dreams. […]
In a visually driven world of the sense of smell is given little attention. How complex and important is the nose, drops to only when they no longer properly or not working. It must be […]
Pocas veces sucede que se juntan dos bandas en un concierto del cual sales pensando que las dos fueron igual de buenas y que no existió un telonero como tal, ambas bandas fueron igual de […]
It’s one thing to reject the ideas of others… But when we reject, deny, stifle, squelch, strike, silence and otherwise put ideas of our own to death, sometimes even before they’re born. Most times, ideacide […]
Goran Bregovic presentando el espectaculo «Champagne for Gypsies»con tres temas en directo del show,cerrando el ciclo de Conciertos de Verano en el Circo Price de Madrid
Si a veces son exageradas las expectativas que nos hacemos de un festival, otras las impresiones nos responden a la pregunta de por qué un Crüilla cuesta más que un Sonar. No sólo por el […]
Presentación del nuevo espectaculo de Rosario La Tremendita desde Triana ,dentro del ciclo «Conciertos del Estio»celebrado en el auditorio de Conde Duque el pasado 22/07/16. Intérpretes Rosario La Tremendita, voz Abe Rábade, piano Pablo Martín […]
La Bien querida tocando en directo los temas «Hoy»y «Arenas Movedizas» el pasado 15/07/16 en el Auditorio de Conde Duque de Madrid
Muchachito y Juanito Makandé desplegando toda la artilleria y brindandonós con alegria 3 temas cada uno de sú actuación en el Festival Cultura Inquieta el pasado 9/07/16. Vean Vean!!
Festival Forte 2015 from FORTE on Vimeo. Uno esos festivales con pintaza que se hacen en Portugal es el Festival Forte: todo un weekender con camping y capacidad máxima en un emplazamiento de en sueño, la […]
Sónar 2016 tendrá lugar los próximos días 16 , 17 y 18 de Junio en feria de Montjuic, Barcelona. 23º edición del festival de música electrónica más importante del país, Distintas localizaciones y espacios de […]